Preface. 9

Why study behavioral medicine?.. 9

The Scientific Method of Investigation. 11

Introduction. 11

Study Types. 12

Abduction, Deduction, and Induction. 14

One Last Example. 15

Summary. 16

Non-PMID Indexed References. 16

Epidemiology. 17

Causality. 17

Molecular Epidemiology. 17

Why People do What They Do: Qualitative Research. 18

Quality Control 20

Evidence Based Medicine. 20

Origins 20

Tools and Sources 21

Quality Control on Clinical Judgment 23

RAND-UCLA Delphi Panel 23

Quality Control on Quality Control 24

RAND on RAND_ 24

The Function of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 27

Who Uses It and What is Used. 27

What Works?. 29

Bona Fide Sources for CAM... 30

Why Is CAM so Popular?. 31

Safety and Quality of CAM... 31

Assessment Tools. 32

Biological Assays. 32

Web Resources for Psychological Measurement Tools. 33

Online Resources of Particular Interest 34

Biostatistics. 35

Introduction. 35

Observations. 35

Questions. 35

Hypotheses. 36

Experimentation. 36

Data Interpretation. 41

Other Considerations. 47

Evidence Based Medicine. 48

Experimental Bias. 48

Summary. 49

Non-PMID Indexed References. 50

Immune System.. 51

Introduction. 51

Immune System Anatomy and Histology. 52

Innate Immunity. 54

Inflammation. 67

Mediators of Inflammation (Part One) 70

Adaptive Immunity. 70

Regulation of the Immune Response. 86

Mediators of Inflammation (Part Two) 87

Fever 93

Measuring the Immune Response. 98

Putting it All Together: Immune Responses. 98

Immune Response to Injury_ 98

Immune Response to Infectious Agents 99

Immune Response to Tumors 103

Tumor Cell Proliferation. 104

Tumor Cell Antigens. 109

Immune Defenses Against Tumors. 111

Tumor Immunotherapy. 115

Abnormal Epigenetic Events in Cancer 118

Immune Responses that Have Gone Awry: Hypersensitivities, Autoimmune Diseases 119

Antibody Mediated Hypersensitivity Type I. 120

Antibody Mediated Hypersensitivities Type II and Type III. 127

T-cell Mediated Hypersensitivities: Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity. 129

T-cell Mediated Hypersensitivities (Type IV): Cytotoxic T cell 131

Immunodeficiencies 132

Intestine Associated Immune System_ 135
